The Stickiness That Binds Us

Do you think our predecessors 100 years ago anticipated the radical transformation of today’s market place? When we dive into the cultural pillars that define our way of life we can identify and extract distinctive patterns that influence our behavior and the shaping of the market place.

At Jonathan Barnave (JB) we strive to determine and implement the stickiness that binds the needs of the consumer with those of the market place. This comprehensive framework is driven by a vertically integrated methodology that delivers intuitive storytelling and captivating experiences in order to merge people with brands they love.

Jonathan Barnave Method

We believe the story is the nucleus and force that drives human consumption and develops the ever changing market place.  JB’s methodology is forged by our acumen and keen ability to transport and energize this force upon its brand, market and experience. We implement these key differentiators by way of research, assessment, strategy, innovation and value proposition.


Our clear understanding of objectives, precise communication and work ethic allows us to work cohesively with our clients and other team members to ensure the realization and sustainability of the project.

Our team competency and dexterity diligently paves the road to maximize brand and or product visibility safeguarding growth and brand equity. This efficacy and value add translates into value engineering and a successful project.

Beyond our operational effectiveness we applicate deep and granular insight when interpreting big data and market trends which endows the skill set to control perception in order to influence positive output within the projects we develop for our clients.


Access Mobility
Digital Media


At Jonathan Barnave, marketing is the successful marriage between product and consumer. Its a carefully interwoven nest that nurtures and satisfies the needs of two entities that form a relationship. JB carefully tailors and seams this union with rich and meaningful content to assure a long lasting communion and mutual benefit.

Market Study
Marketing Feasibility & Strategy
Brand Strategy
Brand Visibility
Brand Equity
Market Capitalization

Jonathan Barnave Marketing Agency inutitive storytelling