
At JB, marketing is the successful marriage between product and consumer.  Its a carefully interwoven nest that nurtures and satisfies the needs of two entities that form a relationship.  JB carefully tailors and seams this union with rich and meaningful content to assure a long lasting communion and mutual benefit.  

Market Study: in order to consummate consumers with brands and products its vital to identify and know everything about their needs,wants, attributes and idiosyncrasies

Marketing Feasibility & Strategy:  knowing is not believing, compatibilities need to be mapped by path of least resistant to obtain low hanging fruit e.g. a mutually benefiting relationship between consumer and product

Brand Strategy:  once the path to fruit is forged there needs to be signs that reinforce the relationship and its direction 

Brand Visibility: actions are louder than words hence optics are everything thus they need to be clear and engaging 

Brand Equity: all relationships offer an exchange but equity is built on a mutual value exchange between brand and consumer that transcends from trend to lifestyle 

Market Capitalization: caps can be like children they thrive when their sustenance is equity and intrinsic value therein yielding organic and sustainable growth